
The Cutting Edge

Document Processing for Healthcare

The healthcare and pharmaceutical industries have unique requirements and challenges regarding the documents they create. First, they are highly regulated, so all documents must conform to the laws governing what documents should say, how they say it, when distributed. Second, managing sensitive personal information requires tact and care to ensure that information is not shared

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Play by the Rules

Business Communications Center (BCC), now included with the DocOrigin platform, allows companies to leverage variable data and rules to turn static documents into dynamic channels for customer communication. Today, we will look at several criteria that decrease the workload associated with document management and make documents more relevant. BCC and DocOrigin make implementing rules for

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Real (not artificial) Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is easily the second most popular topic of discussion in social media, traditional media, and Starbucks–just slightly behind Taylor Swift. The concept is not new. Artificial Intelligence got its name at a 1956 Dartmouth workshop by Dr. John McCarthy, and the occasion is often considered the birth of AI. Expectations are high for

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What About Template Conversions?

When an organization switches to a new document composition platform they open the door to new technology’s many possibilities and opportunities. To keep up with changing conditions, including market and customer expectations, evaluating your document systems regularly is critical. Then upgrade as needed. The big challenge of implementing a new document management system is migrating

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Are You Paying Too Much for Postage?

Postage is increasing at an unprecedented rate. Every January and July, for the foreseeable future, postage rates will increase by approximately five percent. The USPS has transitioned from relatively small annual postage increases to twice-a-year rate adjustments that can strain corporate communication budgets. How do you address these rising postage costs? Use DocOrigin to compose

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Lean Production Applies to Document Management, Too

The essence of lean production revolves around the premise of achieving maximum output with the minimum required resources and time. It’s not merely a cost-cutting exercise; it’s much more about the meticulous and strategic utilization of resources in the right places, for the optimal duration. As Peter Drucker famously said, “Efficiency is doing things right;

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Create Any Document in Any Language

If you have any doubt that we humans live in a global economy, try assembling some furniture and flipping through the pages of multi-language instruction sheets. Meanwhile, events and actions in one part of the world can affect organizations and…

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Company Values Matter

Consumers and companies like to do business with brands whose values align with theirs. These consumers don’t buy products and services based only on quality and price, but they consider the impact of their buying decisions on the environment and…

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We Need it Yesterday

The time between concept and delivery is compressing. A product like DocOrigin makes it possible to roll out new customer-facing documents quickly. With techniques like master document templating, companies can use pre-approved text to shorten the time to review, edit,…

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