Marketing today is all about engaging customers and building brand loyalty. You’ve got to keep customers coming back for more. But it’s not easy to reach your customers when they are bombarded with thousands of marketing messages each day through TV, radio, social media, and so forth. Most of us tune out the hype and clutter.
How can you rise above the din of competitive messages to be heard? One way is by making the most of routine transactional documents like invoices, statements, confirmations and account notices. These communications provide a very important ‘customer appointment’ that is often overlooked as a marketing tool. Research tells us that more than 90% of customers open their bills and statements – and most spend one to three seconds reviewing the content. When you consider that email marketing response rates typically fall below 1%, the hidden power of printed transactional documents becomes clear.
Personalize for More Powerful Engagement
How can you make the most of your transactional customer documents? Leading companies today are leveraging the power of personalization and targeted messaging to better connect with customers and build brand loyalty.
When using personalization and targeted messaging…
- Response rates improve by 36%
- Average order value increase by 25%
- Repetitive orders jump by 48 %
- Reduced response time by 34%
- Increased revenue and profit by 32%
Affordable Innovation
Targeted and personalized customer correspondence can dramatically improve customer engagement and brand loyalty. But not every organization has the infrastructure, expertise and funding to leverage the advantages. For many small and mid-sized organizations, the question becomes: how do I do it?
We have the answer. At Eclipse Corp, we’re experts at enterprise document generation and we help companies just like yours capitalize on the latest technologies and strategies for customer communications. Our tools and techniques bring small and mid-sized companies the same elite capabilities that larger industry leaders enjoy, but without the expense, complexity and support requirements. Our tool of choice, DocOrigin, is an innovative and intuitive software solution for designing and generating dynamic business documents quickly, easily, and affordably. Click here to learn more today, or call 678.408.1245.