
System 1032 replacement

Removing the Roadblocks to Personalization

Stacks of statistics point to the dramatic benefits that companies from all industries can achieve by creating personalized, relevant and targeted customer communications. But reaching that goal is difficult when you depend on complex technology, cumbersome systems, and specialized expertise. At Eclipse, we believe in a more agile, more responsive, and less costly approach through

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Breathe New Life into Your Statements

The time has come for marketers to reevaluate the marketing value of routine customer correspondence. Despite astonishing advances in technology, many organizations continue to issue thousands and thousands of pages of invoices, statements, confirmations and other customer-facing documents that don’t look much different than they did 30 years ago. But let’s face it, the days

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Power-Up the Promotional Power of Customer Statements

For years, customer statements have been overlooked as a back-office burden. However,  today’s organizations are recognizing that routine customer correspondence offers a unique opportunity to connect with customers in new and more profitable ways and are indeed vital and viable tools for marketing. Powering-up the promotional power of statements requires a new mindset, however; one that

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What is the State of your Statements? 

Customer account statements are not often thought of as important tools for marketing, but they should be. Companies issue thousands of statements every month, and each one is a trusted appointment with every customer. Unlike most junk-mail, customer statements get noticed, they get read, and they rarely wind up in the recycle bin. Indeed, companies

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Four Powerful Tips to Keep Customers Forever

The idea of a “Forever Customer” is one that is getting a lot of attention these days, and for good reason. A repeat customer spends 67% more than a new one, so working to improve customer loyalty and repeat sales makes good business sense. But keeping customers forever goes beyond simply selling to them again.

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Are Your Customers Loyal to your Brand?

Companies spend millions to attract new customers. After all, every company must continually gain new customers and expand market share. But gaining new customers is only part of the equation for long-term success; organizations must also retain repeat customers in order to survive. As a result, more and more companies are focusing their attention on

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Make More from Your Best Customers

Much of the marketing focus these days is on acquiring new customers.  Every business must acquire new customers in order to survive. But did you know that it costs six to seven times more to land a new customer than it does to sell to existing one?  Getting new customers is important, but more and more

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Overcome the Chatter of Competing Messages

It’s no secret that we live in a media-saturated world. Between television, radio, the Internet and social media, experts tell us that we’re hit with more than 5,000 marketing messages each and every day. As a result, most consumers simply tune out; ignoring the great majority of marketing messages competing for their attention. In our over-saturated,

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Customer Loyalty Pays 

Did you know that the probability of selling to an existing customer is somewhere between 60 to 70 percent, whereas the probability of selling to a new prospect is only about five percent?  Indeed, studies show that it costs six to seven times more to sell to a new customer than it does to sell to an existing one. 

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