

Is White Space a Wasted Opportunity?

Companies spend millions of dollars to send millions of customer statements each and every month. While the stats and numbers can vary, let’s assume that it costs your company approximately one dollar to print a simple, one page statement. Then add to that the cost of an envelope and the postage; another dollar or so,

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Eclipse CEO Steve Luke discusses DocOrigin

Eclipse CEO Steve Luke was interviewed recently by writer and podcaster Kevin Craine, and he discussed how DocOrigin has become the solution of choice for organizations looking to replace end-of-life Adobe Central. Luke describes how DocOrigin provides an easy migration while providing advanced capabilities and tools that organizations can use to improve company performance.

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A New Marketing Platform in the Cloud

At Eclipse, we’ve worked with some of the best, and we are excited about our new partnership with OMI, a cloud-based customer communications provider that’s getting a lot of attention these days. We’ve been working with our friends at OMI for some time, quietly developing a partnership that blends the capabilities of our two companies

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One Size Does Not Fit All

One size does not fit all in the document automation industry. While some solution providers focus on a single industry vertical, we’ve built our expertise working with them all. For more than twenty years we’ve been providing technology and solutions for financial service organizations, government agencies, healthcare and insurance providers, manufacturing, telco, logistics and more.

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Who is Eclipse Corp?

More than a few people have been asking recently: Who is Eclipse Corp? And for good reason: Our flagship product, DocOrigin, has become the solution of choice for enterprise organizations looking to migrate away from end-of-life systems like Adobe Jetform Central. As technology evolves and business needs change, so must the systems that generate and

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You don’t have to be satisfied with Status Quo

Pick any important business process and you can bet that the workflow depends on documents. Indeed, no matter what market or industry, enterprise operations depend on efficient and effective document generation. But as technology evolves and business needs change, so must the systems that generate and manage enterprise documents. Antiquated solutions are no longer adequate

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Making the Most of Transactional Communications

There is a lot of talk about personalized customer communications lately, and for good reason. Transactional documents like invoices, statements, confirmations and account notices are the lifeblood of nearly every organization; these documents drive the business workflow that makes any company run. Indeed, customer communications have great scope and importance when you consider the critical

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