
section 508 compliance

Do You Love Your Document Generation Solution?

Most people aren’t particularly fond of the way their organizations create and maintain the critical documents their businesses need. Here are some comments we’ve heard: “We don’t have just one document system, we have many. We’re paying for the same…

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Getting Started with Section 508

What is Section 508? By GREG GARNER One of the many features of DocOrigin is the ability to generate ADA Section 508 “Information and Communication Technology” (ICT) PDF/UA compliant documents. Here are some highlights of what you need to know.…

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Achieving PDF/UA and Section 508 compliance

By GREG GARNER In the current marketplace, DocOrigin is among just a few products that can be used to design a document and then produce truly compliant, dynamic PDF/UA forms. The goal is to create documents that are certifiably PDF/UA and Section 508 compliant at the time of document creation. That way, we remove the

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