
relationship management

Removing the Roadblocks to Personalization

Stacks of statistics point to the dramatic benefits that companies from all industries can achieve by creating personalized, relevant and targeted customer communications. But reaching that goal is difficult when you depend on complex technology, cumbersome systems, and specialized expertise. At Eclipse, we believe in a more agile, more responsive, and less costly approach through

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Breathe New Life into Your Statements

The time has come for marketers to reevaluate the marketing value of routine customer correspondence. Despite astonishing advances in technology, many organizations continue to issue thousands and thousands of pages of invoices, statements, confirmations and other customer-facing documents that don’t look much different than they did 30 years ago. But let’s face it, the days

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Power-Up the Promotional Power of Customer Statements

For years, customer statements have been overlooked as a back-office burden. However,  today’s organizations are recognizing that routine customer correspondence offers a unique opportunity to connect with customers in new and more profitable ways and are indeed vital and viable tools for marketing. Powering-up the promotional power of statements requires a new mindset, however; one that

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Transactional Marketing – Keep It Simple

Marketing is full of concepts and acronyms that can confound even the most savvy business professionals. Concepts like “Transpromo” and “Transactional” and “Relationship Management” all attempt to provide clear direction while often clouding the landscape instead. We prefer to keep things simple with this straightforward philosophy: Whenever you communicate with your customers, you have a

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