
Customer experience

Optimizing Business Practices with Modern Document Composition Tools

Document composition is a pivotal part of business operations, and its efficiency can either propel or hinder your day-to-day activities. The pitfalls of inefficient document management, include non-compliance, manual updating, and unnecessary printing. A cutting-edge solution like DocOrigin can revolutionize your workflow—adopting DocOrigin results in improvements in efficiency, cost reduction, risk mitigation, and enhanced customer

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Data-Driven Invoices

All invoices are data-driven. However, companies rarely interpret the variable data value or use it to control how the invoice looks and what it contains beyond pure financial and purchase history information. Using data that is already available, how can organizations customize invoices so they can serve multiple purposes? Customizations can improve the customer experience

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Your Documents – Is it CCM or CXM?

Customers expect a lot from companies with whom they do business. They enjoy interactions with companies that concentrate heavily on customer experiences, such as Amazon, Google, and Netflix. Those companies have become the standards for other organizations like telecommunication companies,…

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Returning to “Normal” — Not the Best Strategy

The pandemic has upended just about everything. We hear that so often, it’s almost become trite. It is, nevertheless, all too true. New rules of engagement have altered our work, entertainment, education, and family interactions. The impact on consumer behavior has been just as intense. Consumers’ values, perceptions, attitudes, and expectations have all changed. A

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Where Would the Insurance Industry Be Without Printed Documents?

The insurance industry runs on documents. Various locations, regulatory, and situational versions make document management a momentous task in any insurance organization. Common documents produced by insurers include quotations, policies, statements, reports, renewals, reminders, checks, remittance notices, and statutory letters.…

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Do You Love Your Document Generation Solution?

Most people aren’t particularly fond of the way their organizations create and maintain the critical documents their businesses need. Here are some comments we’ve heard: “We don’t have just one document system, we have many. We’re paying for the same…

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Get as Personalized as You Want

We’re so bombarded with marketing messages that many of us have become highly adept at filtering out most of them. Customers do, however, want to hear from the companies they do business with, especially if those companies deliver personally relevant…

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Don’t miss out on our upcoming Eclipse-hosted Xplor Webinar

Join us for Building a Master Global Form Template with Leslie Conduitt and Steve Luke on Wednesday, October 9, at 1 p.m. EDT. Who needs a Master Global Form Template? Companies that have more than one office location, global enterprises from the Fortune 10 to the Fortune 10000, software companies that have a few customers

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