

Are you still using outdated, antiquated forms software?

What are you waiting for? Maybe you’re thinking that your current product “just works” and has continued working for a long time. So, why would you want to change now? Because: Updating to new forms technology isn’t as scary as you think! Consider: Maybe you are just afraid of change, anything new. What worked and

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4 things you need to know about Dynamic Business Documents

1. There are just 4 easy steps! Dynamic Business Documents allows you to design, personalize, preview and generate documents and forms with any ERP, CRM, EMR or other enterprise software in just 4 simple steps! 2. It’s not just for Customer Service! Sure, DBD is important in customer service so your team can create personalized

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Is your business omni-channel ready?

What is omni-channel all about? Omni-channel or multi-channel presentation and/or delivery are the various ways you can get your forms, documents and customer communications to your customers, partners, employees, and vendors. Providing omni-channel delivery gives the receiver the option to select how you communicate with them. With all of the possibilities mobile devices offer and

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Is your Business Correspondence Helping…or Hurting…your Customer Experience?

“Customer Experience” is on everyone’s mind these days…and for good reason. What customers say about you and your company has a direct influence on the perception of your organization in the marketplace. Provide a great customer experience, and the word spreads. Provide a poor customer experience, and the word spreads, but you better watch out;

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Guest Blog: Know your “Document Constituency”

By Kevin Craine Question: What is the one single thing that can stop business cold, yet no one is in charge? Answer: Documents. Pick any key business activity in any organization, in any industry, and you can bet that documents are essential to getting the job done. But while many organizations have a “chief information

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DocOrigin Business Communications Center Removes Barriers to Personalization

Everybody talks about the advantages that personalized business communications documents can bring to a business. Stacks of statistics point to the dramatic benefits that companies from all industries can achieve by creating personalized, relevant and targeted customer communications. But reaching that goal is difficult when you depend on complex technology, cumbersome systems and specialized expertise.

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Automate workflows to handle complicated exceptions, reduce costs

A content / document management strategy has many considerations for any company. Automating workflows is the most popular and effective way to reduce cost, reduce errors and handle complex exceptions. Documents that you create from your ERP system such as purchase orders, AP checks, shipping documents and customer invoices, need to be filed and retained

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