
Adobe Enterprise Software Meets IBM i and z

September 08, 2011 - CAPE CORAL, FL

Eclipse and ProTechnology bring IBM users advanced production document generation, e-forms, document security, process management solutions, digital signatures, certified PDF documents, and enterprise class Cloud Faxing.

Who Benefits form ICP:

Companies that use IBM i (formerly known as iSeries or AS/400), or z as their primary enterprise platform, who also have line of business software running on Windows, UNIX, AIX, or LINUX now have a single document automation system that support all their document needs. ICP provides native IBM interface and control of LiveCycle to the IBM users. ICP provides interactive fillable forms, high volume production document generation, on-demand departmental printing, critical email attached document delivery, PDF/A generation for archive, and Internet Cloud Faxing (inbound and outbound). Companies that own JetForm Central, Adobe Central, or Resolutions R-Forms software receive extra benefits from ICP’s automated migration of their existing data and form templates. ICP and Adobe provide a migration bridge that reduces the time needed to convert your forms and implement Adobe LiveCycle Output. ICP’s new IFD/XDP-set of Conversion Tools (optional) reduces form design time of complex JetForm Central or JetForm Filler form conversion by 40 to 80% by improving the quality of the XDP file you import into LiveCycle Designer or Acrobat Pro X.

Success Story: CARQUEST, North America’s leading auto parts distributor:

CARQUEST implemented ICP with Adobe LiveCycle Output ES2, reduced more than 240 templates to 42 templates, reduced manual forms design time by an estimated 60%. CARQUEST required no changes to their business applications, data, printer configuration or user login and were able to deliver documents via PDF, PS, and PCL to more than 900 printers without any reconfiguration. CARQUEST eliminated their legacy fax servers by using Eclipse Enterprise Cloud Faxing for inbound and outbound faxing. With Cloud based faxing, 48 dedicated phone lines (ports) and 4 fax servers were eliminated (including their disaster recovery fax servers). CARQUEST also took advantage of ICP’s integrated hot-backup option which guarantees uninterrupted document processing, even if the main LiveCycle server fails. By using Adobe LiveCycle with Eclipse’s ICP, CARQUEST was able to achieve their goal of 99.997% availability of their document generation processes. On an average day, CARQUEST generates more than 70,000 documents.

Benefits of ICP to IBM User:

ICP runs native on the IBM and takes advantage of the native IBM information related to critical business documents such as checks, statements, pick slips, pack slips, invoices, and statements. All spool file attributes such as User ID, Printer ID, Form Type, user data, page count, numbers of copies are accessible by ICP. These attributes can be used by ICP to dynamically and logically make decisions and totally control the presentation and delivery of your information. For instance a single spool file can be used to print a pick slip in the warehouse, a pack slip in the shipping bay, a delivery note, and an invoice that can be delivered to the customer via mail, e-mail, fax, or portal and also place a PDF/A of the document(s) in your archive.

Automatic Web Services:

With the optional ICP-WebServices tool, you can convert any of your existing native applications into a web-service in just a few hours. It is as simple as: (1) Press the Record button, (2) use your Green Screen application to process a complete business transaction, (3) stop the recoding. That’s it, seconds later you have your Web Service. Now you can expose this web service to the Adobe LiveCycle or to any other web-service enabled application. The success of Adobe LiveCycle for the enterprise is well know to Fortune 1000 companies like Abbott Laboratories, Bank of America, General Electric, …..Verizon, just to name a few. If your company does not use IBM as a primary platform, we encourage you to look at the Adobe ADEP platform for your enterprise. If you do use the IBM i or z, add ICP to reduce your implementation time and give you native IBM control of your document automation. In most cases ICP will pay for itself during your implementation phase, so the ROI is just weeks or a few months.

About Eclipse:

We collect and deliver mission critical information and present it when and where your company needs it, with the most compelling user experience possible. Electronic document design, fillable e-forms, process management, on-demand and high volume batch document Generation, Enterprise Class Could Faxing (inbound and outbound). Mail Room outsourcing for your high volume print and mail, includes electronic sorting, color printing and postage at actual cost of U.S. Postage. Founded in 2004, our founders were principle owners of Eclipse Inc. (Georgia based, founded in 1992), JetForm, and Resolutions LiveCycle. The document generation software we co-developed in the 90’s was owned by 100% of the fortune 10 and 71% of the Fortune 1000. For more information on Eclipse, please send request to Info@EclipseCorp.US or visit www.EclipseCorp.US

About ProTechnology Automation:

ProTechnology is a leading provider of Adobe Enterprise Software and IBM Connect pack from Eclipse. ProTechnology became a partner with JetForm in 1996 and continued to sell the JetForm technology when it was acquired by Adobe in 2001. As a leading delivery partner of Adobe LiveCycle in North America; ProTechnology provides software installation, implementation, training, consulting and first-line Platinum Level Support on all Adobe and Eclipse software it sells. For more information on ProTechnology please send request to or visit

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