
Universal Accessibility

Ode to a Document

Do you work in the document industry? Ever try to explain your job to friends and relatives outside the document business? It’s not easy. Most people don’t understand what it takes to produce and deliver the documents they rely upon…

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Is Your Data Driven Marketing Solution Really Personalizing the Offers?

Marketing professionals know that a personalized and relevant direct mail offer produces the best response and conversion. Integrating promotional messages into a transactional document such as a statement produces an outstanding response because recipients almost always read these documents. This approach works quite well, but making it happen is more difficult than it sounds. Often

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Hurry Up and Print the Labels!

On-demand printing for production, packing, or shipping is the standard operating procedure in today’s just-in-time environment. Without it, an organization has little choice but to stock pre-printed items or manually produce labels, packing slips, and other documentation attached to outbound goods. Label printing is as important as any step in the manufacturing process. The labels

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Where Would the Insurance Industry Be Without Printed Documents?

The insurance industry runs on documents. Various locations, regulatory, and situational versions make document management a momentous task in any insurance organization. Common documents produced by insurers include quotations, policies, statements, reports, renewals, reminders, checks, remittance notices, and statutory letters.…

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Ugh! The Regulations Changed – Again!

Maintaining compliance with regulations that dictate the format and content of documents (many of which are rarely read) is a constant challenge in many industries. Regulation updates require companies to find all affected documents, in every version, and determine the…

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Why Does It Take So Long to Print?

Companies buy fast printers and are then dismayed when it seems to take forever to get their documents produced — especially during those busy times when page volume spikes. Why is that? Several factors determine the speed at which completed…

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Do You Love Your Document Generation Solution?

Most people aren’t particularly fond of the way their organizations create and maintain the critical documents their businesses need. Here are some comments we’ve heard: “We don’t have just one document system, we have many. We’re paying for the same…

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How Many Document Templates Do You Need?

HINT: IT’S PROBABLY LESS THAN YOU HAVE… Many documents used by in-house document operations and print service providers are very similar to one another. Differences in colors, logos, company names and addresses, or signatures may vary, but the general purpose…

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