

Is your Business Correspondence Helping…or Hurting…your Customer Experience?

“Customer Experience” is on everyone’s mind these days…and for good reason. What customers say about you and your company has a direct influence on the perception of your organization in the marketplace. Provide a great customer experience, and the word spreads. Provide a poor customer experience, and the word spreads, but you better watch out;

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GDPR – Global Data Protection Regulation

The goal of the GDPR is to provide greater privacy protection for EU citizens by updating existing EU data protection in light of today’s digital world. Guest BlogBy Greg Garner U.S. companies that handle data belonging to customers living in the European Union may not realize that they will be subject to the General Data

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Guest Blog: Know your “Document Constituency”

By Kevin Craine Question: What is the one single thing that can stop business cold, yet no one is in charge? Answer: Documents. Pick any key business activity in any organization, in any industry, and you can bet that documents are essential to getting the job done. But while many organizations have a “chief information

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Standard Customer Communications are an Overlooked Advantage

For years, routine customer communications like invoices, statements and order confirmations have been regarded as a back office burden. Printing and mailing these documents, often by the tens of thousands, happens every day at the expense of hundreds of thousands of dollars each year… and it’s all regarded as a “sunk cost” of doing business.

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Demystifying Content Integration

By Kevin CraineGuest Blogger There is a lot of discussion and concern about “content integration” these days – and for good reason. The amount and variety of content, systems and processes we must manage in business today is becoming ever more complicated. Simply keeping track of many moving pieces is a challenge, but making the

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You May Have Heard of Eclipse Corporation

At Eclipse, we are experts at enterprise document generation, customer communications management, and strategies that help our clients use their documents, technology and information in more efficient and profitable ways. For more than 20 years, we have worked with a…

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Revitalizing your Business Correspondence

More and more C-Suite executives and top-shelf marketers are rediscovering the marketing value of routine business correspondence. Common customer statements, invoices, order acknowledgements and notices which were once regarded as a simple back-office burden are now rising to a new level of importance. They are now a tool to connect more directly and pointedly with

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Healthcare Reform and the Impact to Member Correspondence

Healthcare is an extremely complex and highly critical issue in America today. Just recently, the House voted to dismantle the pillars of the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, and make sweeping changes to the nation’s healthcare system. The bill continues to be met with a great deal of argument and deliberation between conservative

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