
You don’t have to be satisfied with Status Quo

Pick any important business process and you can bet that the workflow depends on documents. Indeed, no matter what market or industry, enterprise operations depend on efficient and effective document generation. But as technology evolves and business needs change, so must the systems that generate and manage enterprise documents. Antiquated solutions are no longer adequate for today’s enterprise.  As older, end-of-life systems like JetForm and Adobe Central are retired, it is important to select a suitable replacement solution that will ensure the ability to create, deliver and manage high-value customer correspondence that will meet the need of modern business.

The Next Generation of Document Generation

That’s where we come in. At Eclipse Corp, we are experts at enterprise document generation. Our solutions change all that by helping companies leverage the data generated by older legacy systems, modern enterprise and customer management systems, and other line‐of‐business applications to create and generate affordable high-value documents. Our flagship solution, DocOrigin, is a next generation document generation tool that will help you communicate more effectively, leverage your existing investments, and improve customer service and response.

Moving from Status Quo to “Whoa!”

DocOrigin provides a migration path from the status quo. It’s got migration tools built right in so migrating from Adobe Central to DocOrigin is a breeze. We’ve created automated batch form conversion tools and streamlined procedures to migrate forms quickly and accurately — minimizing downtime and conversion risks — while our expert consultants ensure that everything transitions smoothly. In short: DocOrigin is a next-generation product that is in-tune with today’s document requirements. Click here to learn more today, or call 678.408.1245.