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Building a Master Global Form Template

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Leslie Conduitt, Document Solutions Specialist with Eclipse Corporation®: Thank you for joining our Xplor19 webinar: Building a Master Global Form Template. This is Leslie Conduitt and I have with me Steve Luke from Eclipse Corporation.

We decided to focus on five business challenges for the presentation today. First, converting your existing external documents. This is text intensive documents that are provided to you from an external source such as your compliance department or the government. Next, managing multilingual forms. For those of you who need to output multiple language documents because you operate your business internationally or you are legally obligated to provide documents in various languages for your recipients. Next, managing content variations. This is particularly beneficial for those of you who are OEMs, print service providers or parent companies to manage contact information, logo variations and even color schemes. Next, providing recipients with relevant marketing and messaging by allowing the messages to be data driven, thus specific to your recipients. And lastly, managing similar forms and sections. For example, forms can share the same letter head or signature block and rather than building a unique template for each letter, build a universal template that accommodates all versions.

We’ve broken down the challenges and identified the features that were used to address the challenge as well as the benefits to this approach. We’ll show you a demonstration of the solution after the presentation.

The first is converting your existing external documents. The document stitching feature allows you to pull your external text intensive documents that are provided to you from an external source such as your compliance department or government and pull those into your output thus eliminating the need for conversion.

So here you can see is just a sampling of an insurance package that is a perfect candidate for stitching method that allows you to pull in external PDFs into your document output. You can continue to generate complex dynamic forms such as the farm declarations along with your text intensive documents. Information such as policy number, page count and even barcode can be included in the external PDF pages within the whitespace of the page such as the letterhead or footer.

Next is managing multilingual documents. Whether you operate your business internationally or you’re legally obligated to provide documents in multiple languages to your recipients pulling the text from a profile translation file eliminates the need to support multiple language templates.

In this example, the left document contains English only and the right document contains English and French language. This is accommodated by defining all of the form content as a field with a tag to insert content based on language, then you create a document that contains the translation of all the elements in the form. Note that this can include simple captions or even full text blocks such as the body text then define a language key in your data to choose the appropriate language.

Next is managing content variations. Using a profile file for the company is particularly beneficial for those of you who are OEMs, print service providers or parent companies to manage content information.

Similar to managing multiple languages, you can identify a profile file that inserts the appropriate language, signature, contact information or even color scheme based on a company key value. The two examples shown were generated with the same form template. This approach can dramatically reduce the time and expense of onboarding new customers for OEMs and print service providers as well as new company acquisitions for parent companies. Lastly, the profile file reduces maintenance costs since the content updates are immediately achieved across all forms.

Challenge #4 is creating and managing relevant marketing and messaging. DocOrigin’s add-on feature called Business Communications Center, is a tool that provides a simple user interface that allows your marketing, HR or legal department to create and manage campaigns, messaging and legal terms and conditions without engaging IT.

A study by InfoTrend showed your transactional documents are read by 90% of your recipients so they are ideal vehicles for communication. There are three types of white space we like to talk about. The first is Fixed White Space and that is the static area on your form such as your header and this is perfect for general messaging such as upcoming events or general marketing. Next is Creative White Space which actually shifts the content of your form to create white space for data-driven marketing and messaging, perfect for upselling a service or add-on feature based on a recent purchase or insert messages for hazardous material being delivered. Lastly, is Lost White Space and this is the vertical white space left on your page at the bottom of your form. This is ideal for additional messaging. So here you can see the bottom of the form stops at the totals and then the bottom of the container actually stops at the detach or tear off for the receipt so there is lost white space here, about an inch so DocOrigin can automatically calculate that space and then insert the appropriate image ad based on the space available.

In this sample, the pages at the top show you standard output from a cellular bill featuring charts that show color coded overages and the sample pages at the bottom show a cell bill enhanced with Business Communications Center to upsell general ads for corporate accounts, automatic bill pay based on payment patterns, unlimited data plans to avoid overages or lastly new device options based on user eligibility.

BCC can also address critical targeted messages such as public relation messaging, discounts on insurance for safety equipment such as a sprinklers or home security systems or even encourage mold insurance that has been declined.

Here’s a closer look at a data driven message. On the left you can see BCC inserted state regulation information regarding single coverage for applicants living in Florida. On the right, BCC inserted a message that the application was placed on hold until the roof was replaced since it was more than 30 years old. Also, I’d like to note that you can even insert field such as the inspection date so you can tell the recipient or the applicant how much time they have to replace the roof.

In this healthcare history report, the form was set up to calculate body mass index and blood pressure categories as well as color code content to highlight critical information for physicians and patients or even build summary tables for historic evaluation for visually identifying health changes and/or progress.
You can also power up with Business Communications Center to automatically insert external information based on rules defined by the physician’s entered data such as product information, physician’s information or recommendation or even a relevant handout material.

Lastly, is managing similar forms and sections for example forms can share letterhead or signature blocks and rather than building a unique template for each letter, build a universal template that accommodates all versions. This reduces development and maintenance costs.

In this example, our client had 38 different versions of a delivery receipt shown on the left. By converting the form into a dynamic design we were able to cut the form into pieces, build a dynamic table with columns and let the data define which appropriate option the body text is inserted and then lastly build a dynamic signature set. For frequently changing body text, you can go a step farther by maintaining the content in an external rich text. This gives your form owners even more control of the body text. IT simply has to send the desired text option in the data and the form automatically pulls the associated rich text content into the form. As you can see in the design template, there is only one placeholder for the body.

So here on the left, we have a one page delivery receipt with only one policyholder signature area and on the right we have a two page delivery receipt with all three signature areas, the body content and table area vary as well.

Now let’s go through a demonstration of all 5 business challenges and how we addressed each one.

So the first item is we’re gonna just take a look at the original form that I showed you for the stitching method. So this is, actually start at page 1, this is a farm declaration along with some PDFs that were pulled into it and if you scroll through here this is 115 pages on the beginning and is a pretty complex dynamic form which is pretty typical for insurance agencies and then if I jump to page 21 and start scrolling I have a text intensive document and as you can see on the top we have policy number and even Eclipse insurance corporation and the packet page count in case it drops and you need to reassemble it as well as the actual original PDF with the physical page count at the bottom. So I can scroll through here and if I go fast enough you can see there’s other documents like common policy condition.

So what we’re going to do for the demonstration is this is the PDF created with the original documents and I’m just going to make some text changes of this document. So if I take this form, which has already opened up for me, I have the final farm liability coverage form and I’m going to go ahead and add some text to that and so this is really just to demonstrate, obviously no one would put you know demo text on here um but we’re just really trying to show that this document let’s say was updated and there were changes to it right um and I could edit the text and so forth but let’s just go ahead and just do this and we’ll make this you know now brown and then save this document so now I have this document with text and I can go ahead and close that out and save the information I just did. Then I’m going to run the document stitching merge which is just emulating our product and if I open this up you can see if I expand this out that it created a new document. So it’s ten, you know October 9th and here we can see it’s 12:15pm, we created a new document. So if we go ahead and open this up we should be able to see it open up on my other screens. I’m gonna slide it over here and go to two page. We can see that it’s still our document declaration but if I scroll down to page 21, now we have our demo text. So you can see that the change was immediate so of course this is going to come from compliance where you downloaded the new government document and you just put it in a placeholder or the spot where you maintain all of your PDFs and the update would be immediate rather than converting this 26 page document which can take up to a couple weeks with back and forth and quality assurance testing.

Now we’re going to go ahead to the next demonstration which is multiple language documents. So here I’m in our tool called Business Communications Center which is just giving a demonstration of a number of our items. So here I have a multiple language invoice. It’s actually in three different languages and I’m going to go ahead and do a preview so that I have three records here. The first one is English, the second one is French and the third is Spanish. So here you can see that I have my Konica Minolta and as I flip through I’m going through all of our challenges in order but a lot of them overlap so I of course have some marketing in here which is item number four and then I also using my profile file which is pulling in the Konica Minolta logo and the text there as well. And then here is my language which is invoice date, invoice number, payment terms and so forth and if I scroll down this is a one-page document, one of one, and here I’ve changed not only the logo but also it’s converted to a French document so all the captions are in French, the titles are in French and so forth. And if I scroll past this two-page document you can notice that the color codes are changing based on Star Corporation and then we have the Reach document which is in Spanish. So this is all built on one single template and we have a profile language file that’s keying and we’re just sending a code to say English or French or Spanish. It’s automatically updating the entire form captions and content based on that language key as well as simultaneously updating the company information.

Next we’re going to go back to here and we’re going to go to content information which is very specifically targeted for OEMs, print service providers and parent companies. We’re gonna look at a credit union. We’ll do a preview here just like we have the Konica Minolta, Star and Reach we have an Eclipse Credit Union and we can see here we have our blue headers and so forth and again we’re still showing that we have some marketing information that’s you know because they’re on free checking we’re promoting maybe a Highschool checking account. So this is actually a combination of an image and rich text being pulled in by an external BCC communications which also could be done in DocOrigin, if you were to code that. It has some embedded fields like Eclipse Credit Union and so forth and then if I scroll down to the next record which is actually on page six you can see now we have DocOrigin Credit Union.

And what I’m going to show you right now is I’m going to go to my second screen which is over to the left because this is a set up on our web service and I’m going to go ahead and change let’s say that this is actually a credit union or a parent company that owns DocOrigin Credit Union and Eclipse Credit Union and they’re all on 122 South East 47th Street and let’s say they moved and they’re growing so they move to a different building. I’m going to go ahead and replace all the text in my profile file and save it and then I’m going to rerun this and you’ll see that this address changes immediately. So if I re run it I’ve gone ahead and saved it on our web service the new information. Now we’re automatically updating our one that was in Lakeview Drive. So for the years that we’ve been in business, for thirty years and actually started in a plant you’d see often that companies would move buildings and have to obsolete their entire inventory of their forms or a phone number change or something like that. So if everything points to this profile file then any form that’s looking at this profile file will be immediately updated the day you move into your new building. And then you can see if I scroll down, same with this you know, this has changed as well.

Let me shrink that and now we’re going to go into our marketing messages so this is a telecommunication form. This is one of our OEMs and they actually provide software for companies that operate in Asia under different names so unlike US which has Sprint Verizon AT&T; and a handful of large cell phone companies, this company actually sells their software to different cell phone companies. So you can imagine this would be really helpful for managing an external profile file as well as some marketing messages so we’re gonna show both here. So I’m going to show the thumbnail over here which shows the different pages because this is actually a data file for a corporation which all the phone numbers and information has changed but I’ve kept the content pretty much the same. So on this first page if I scroll down here you have a Fixed White Space ad and this is definitely geared towards corporate because in their data they have a corporate element which is in this case yes and then they have a sales force here and maybe are they ready to you know hit the ground running and do they have the proper tools.

So we’re marketing them to see if they might wanna add phones or what-have-you. And then here, this is a history of their payment methods and you can see they pay by check and cash and manual called in credit cards and so really we want to encourage them to move to an automatic bill pay, so automatically debiting their checking account or their credit card. Now if I scroll to page four this is actually targeting an ad based on the fact that this was the invoice date in April and April is the rainy season. Often people take vacation during the rainy season just as we do in March and April when it’s rainy season in the US. And we’re saying hey you might be traveling during April and just to remind you you might want to consider turning on an unlimited thirty dollar international plan.

Now if I continue to scroll down we have your typical phone number with your plans and here it shows and color codes according to Reach, your planning calls that you’ve gone over your minutes and your text so we’re just noting to this client or this phone number that they have gone over and they might want to consider the twenty dollar overage, I mean the twenty dollar a month unlimited voice and text and again keeping in mind this is all targeted for corporations so here is just a generic unlimited plan and then if I scroll to this one they’ve gone over by minutes only so we have a business person on the phone asking if they want to maybe upgrade to ten dollar unlimited plan so what I’m going to do is Business Communications Center and you know as a developer often I don’t have enough data to test every element and every rule in my data so I need to mock up my XML.

In this case I’m gonna actually change it right here on the fly so I’m going to change the invoice date to September. I’m going to change my payment method to automatic credit card. And then I’m gonna say is corporate? I’m gonna say no so they’ll see that not only do we have new ads but all the ads change and it’s look and feel. So if I run my preview again you’ll see here that I have a family plan. Your family is growing in this case okay so maybe you have a daughter and she’s ready to have her own phone and she doesn’t have to use her mother’s anymore and then if I scroll down to page two I’ve overridden this with my automatic credit card payment so I no longer need to encourage this client to go to the automatic version and if I jump here we made it September so I’m no longer getting my April ad I’m getting a gearhead ad because September’s when iPhones are released and all the other gadgets are released ready for the school and Christmas season.

And then of course if I scroll down here I don’t have a business person worried about overages or getting in trouble from their boss you know and here I have my overages with teenagers on the phone posting Facebook posts and of course a teenager on the phone so everything is changing based on the fact that the overages are the same but now I’m targeting towards a family so that’s our marketing messages and the upsells. And I also want to jump to I believe page 16 but I’ll just flip through here that again you know I still want to identify that we’re changing our color schemes and our logo is based on the company code so here are my lines and my text and anything I want can change and even that foot information including the website and contact information and so forth. And even if I scroll down I’m even changing my charts based on those color schemes so pretty neat that you wouldn’t have to, as an OEM provider, customize every customer that’s coming on board but rather give them a template and give them a profile file where they can update their phone numbers and so forth. And it’s automatically pulled in and immediately looks like their company colors.

Last, or number four at least, it might be last. We’re gonna target messaging, so when we talk about pulling in messaging externally we always talk about you know often about marketing and upselling but messaging can even be critical information messaging such as charity events that your company might be working with and critical information so in this case we have an insurance application and I’m actually going to jump quite a bit because this one has a lot of pages and I’ll scroll a little bit in the beginning. Like here you can see that they have a security system and you know they have a discount for the age of the phone and fire protection but they might want to consider a sprinkler system might be recommended because that would add additional discounts.

Now if I jump to page six, and we saw this in the presentation, here I have because I’m a Florida resident if I showed you in page one it’s automatically bringing in that state regulation that says that this insurance company must offer to their client sinkhole coverage because they live in the state of Florida. So this being part of the application, can assure that you’ve proven that you’ve shown the customer and if they decline it that is up to them. Then if I scroll down farther we’re going to go to jump to page 16.

This is our change of our DocOrigin so we’ve changed the PR campaign as well as the
look and feel of the form. Here I’m showing some mold coverage that’s been declined just talking about how mold is just not so only a smelly issue but actually it can impact your health as well. And then if we go to this page you can see that their year the roof was built or last updated was 1990 or before so we’re not only bringing attention by bringing an image in here but we’re combining with rich text as well so being safe not only means keeping a roof over your head but keeping a solid watertight roof over your head.

So we’re immediately telling them in highlighting in red, that the form application has been placed on hold pending the update and replacement of the roof. And then we talked about the inspection date and they have 30 days from the 13th, so when they’re receiving this document, to fix their application or fix a roof or their application will be declined. Okay a couple more, here’s an electrical one and then also if you can see here we have these little ads which are kind of generic for talking about how you can take advantage of the white space or lost white space at the bottom of each page. So now if you notice there’s been different little white space ads throughout the document and there’s another one. You know this is just an opportunity for any general messaging or it can be specific as well.

So now I’m going to look at my time and I do have time to show the last item which is the stitching method. So I’m going to close this out or minimize this. I’m going to go ahead and go to this form. So this is the form that we talked about that we have a delivery receipt so this is actually the whole delivery receipt. If I back up this was actually 38 different documents. And this area was hard-coded so if they had a longer table version they actually had a different form. And they had information and they had different combinations of the signature and then the main thing that changed was this body text.

So we could, either in one of the slides I showed that they can physically have different body text within this design template, or they can just have a placeholder for that rich text and that text would just be pulled in automatically. So if I reduce this, let me go ahead and open. I have two little guys open here. These are just two different samples of rich text and that starts with their letters and the letters are really similar so I highlighted some in red and blue, highlighted policy and then I actually added some lorem ipsum so you can see the dramatic changes and then we have some embedded text. So I’m going to first run this, as is. And it’s pulling in this live content so if I go ahead and hit PDF preview I’m going to slide this over again.This is a four record document so we’re pulling out four different versions of the form, so this is a one-page document here you see with the uppercase paragraph in lorem ipsum. And then we have one signature block and then here my table is growing so of course my policy delivery receipt, header and content moves as well and then I overflow to page two.

And now I have a two signature block area for policy owner and proposed insured. And then in this case we have you know two different pages as well with red text and some bulleted text. And then we have the final last page and these both have three signature blocks. So again imagining that you know we talked about your form owner owns the body of the text and sometimes, this one specifically the customer said this is one of the forms that changes often so we encourage them to use rich text so that the form owner can own the text. I’ll go ahead and close this. And they just have to build that template and that placeholder so I’m just gonna put in hopefully, I’m a terrible typer but we’re gonna add a you know demo text you know inserted for immediate change.

Okay then I actually did a second ago so now I’m gonna go ahead and see this so we have this red demo text, of course imagine that they’ve actually made some changes to maybe the added bullet items or more paragraphs or whatever they wanted to add to this document. And this is one of the records that I’m pulling that in and I’ll shrink this and go back to my design and I’m gonna rerun this and that change will be immediate. And again I’m going to go to my secondary screen and then if I view this as two pages, you’ll see on that document here is my demo text. So really we talked about the theme that we’ve been moving and talking to our clients about is thinking outside of the box, theoretically and literally. So we’re trying to say anything that changes often, like phone numbers and rich text, body texts, one consolidate your forms whenever the template is similar enough, make it a single template and pull in those external variables that change often like logos and so forth.

So it helps you know not only OEMs but even customers that you know are one single company and they only have one logo they could change their phone number immediately. That would be pulled up and they could pull in their new text and immediate changes would happen as soon as they updated and save that RTF file or that profile file or edit a new language. They can just add, on one of the cases we added Italian for one of our customers.

And that is actually it. So I think we can open up for any changes or maybe Steve wants to chime in on any items and I can open anything up.

Steve Luke, Eclipse CEO: Leslie, before someone asks a question, I want to mention that I’m not sure anyone noticed in that last demonstration that some of the rich text files that you were pulling in actually had dynamic fields in them. So the rich text paragraph may have a field name in it and the actual data for the current document/current customer etc is all being pulled in there so the RTF files can in fact be very dynamic as well.

LC: Yeah, there you go. I should zoom in here as well. So there’s a policy information…go ahead.

SL: So that was my only comment, well I won’t say the only one, but for now.

LC: Holy cow, for now. And then obviously I know, I know I flipped through this obviously pretty rapidly but this form changed. I don’t know if this is the original but this one also, the stitching method, as long as you’re stitching you know, it’s stitching method actually becomes basically an overlay of your existing PDF and becomes part of your template and you can output actually to PCL as well.

A lot of customers ask that. I wanted to note is that if i zoom in here a bit you can add anything you want as long as it’s in the white space area. So these documents are individuals, so you might have one document that has you know only white space on the bottom or the top. So you can put anything you want inside this PDF because this is really a costly item for a lot of companies that are regulated and get new information. I know I worked you know on a number of worker’s compensation every January they had three weeks to update all the government-provided PDFs within three weeks or they were fined an exponential amount of money per day. So they can immediately just download those forms as PDFs from the government and they can convert them or never convert them and just add you know their information at the top so that we know like again if this form files we know this is for policy number what have you and I just added a packet number count just for fun, but it’s good to see that that is available that you can add content to it as well. A lot of times the add barcodes at the bottom for printing and inserting and so forth.

SL: Okay, are we gonna open up for questions now, Leslie?

LC: Yeah.

Skip Henk, President of Xplor International: I do have a few questions. First one was: What are the most common reasons companies have not been using master templates?

SL: I’ll take that one, Leslie. I think the number one reason is because a lot of the legacy composition engines and tools that have been out there really aren’t capable or haven’t been capable and they’ve never been updated to provide the kind of flexibility and capabilities available in a composition tools of today.

We’ve seen over the years composition engines that can handle multi-lingual and things like that but being able to pull in complete PDF files and insert them in exactly the right place and overlay page numbers and things like that, those types of things haven’t been available. And in addition to that one of the things you’ve probably noticed is when we were showing things like multiple telephone bills from multiple companies one of our customers actually is a software company. They provide software to Telcos, so many many different telephone companies are using their software but they don’t have to go and design an independent unique form for them. They give them a template and that template dynamically pulls in their company colors, their company logo, their legal terms and conditions, so if they’ve got special terms and conditions. One of our customers, that same customer by the way, every island in the Caribbean uses their software, so every one of those companies is using a single batch of you know single group of templates and yet everything is personalized for that particular customer.

So technology was really the number one reason and if you’ve been in the business as long as I have you know that a lot of companies with legacy applications are still using a product that’s 15 years old, 20 years old, at least 6 or 10 years old, without a doubt. So the technology just wasn’t there in the past and that’s one of the reasons that we decided that we really needed to create more dynamically. We’ve got one customer that serves, an OEM, that serves more than 3,000 city and county governments they provide one set of templates to run all those city counties and governments and they even offer a GUI tool to let the customer customize some of the things they want to customize in the form.

SH: Another question, you mentioned the master template was great for large enterprise global companies and for OEM software companies. Can you describe how commercial print service providers use it?

SL: Sure I’ll grab that one, Leslie. You know that’s actually an interesting question in that, you know some of our print service providers are actually serving this same basically 40/50/60 credit unions or community banks and those community banks or credit unions, many of them are using the same core software so they may buy the software that’s running their credit union, may be the same for say 40 or so of their customers and maybe another 20 of their customers are using a different core product but the core raw data that’s being generated that’s being you know used to merge in with the final document templates, is pretty much the same as the layout, is all laid out the same. We know where the phone number is, we know where the address is, we know this and that, we know what the company ID is so with a master template of one of our customers as I mentioned is literally serving over 40 customers with a single template. They’re getting nothing but raw data from the customer and they’re being able to brand and customize with it. When they bring on a new customer, it only takes them about two hours.

SH: I’ve got a few more here. You mentioned you can pull in any content, including body text. Would that text support rich text formatting such as bolding, color, font, size etc?

SL: Leslie, you want to take that one or do you want me to?

LC: Oh yeah, so actually great, so I will actually bring it up. We, in our our credit union form, that’s a good example. Let me see if that’s here. I’m going to search.The credit union form has rich text in it as well as images so here right here we have, this is all rich text and if I actually show you in the GUI interface it’s just an RTF file that I can import or actually let’s me modify it directly in the Business Communications Center tool and then you can import images as well as tabbing and bulleted items and and even embed fields like we were showing you in the date field. So yeah, definitely can support both embedded fields, as well as a rich text and font sizes and so forth.

SH: Okay, another question. Why would someone need to have more than one brand logo and/or colors and a template. Wouldn’t they all use the company colors?

SL: Actually, I’ll take that one, Leslie. We have one company that actually has acquired through time at least ten other companies. They are still using a common core ERP system, but they decided for different strategic reasons because of you know brands are already being recognized, brands already being used and things like that are valuable. And that’s where, you know, that maybe they bought a company, they want to
expand that company, but they don’t see a value in changing the company name. They do have that common core ERP system and because of that the data that they’re generating is effectively the same, can be picked up by a single template and then we can dynamically put those logos, colors and things that give them that unique brand they’ve always had. So that’s one of the reasons, and then of course the print service providers, we more or less mentioned a minute ago, you’ve got the the ability for them to provide for many different credit unions or many different banks without having to create a brand new template. Does that answer your question?

SH: I guess so. I didn’t ask it, just reading the questions. Hopefully it will, if it doesn’t then they have the opportunity to contact you directly for a little additional clarification. Okay, I’ve got two more here. Could you embed data in your body text, such as deadline dates or recipient names?

LC: Yes, absolutely.

SH: Okay, when would you want to contain text content within the template?

LC: I’ll take this one. Yeah, so I work primarily with designers and often I’ve gone on site for anywhere from six months to two years and that typically is based on that the comfort of the designer. There’s two reasons really. And actually, I’m going to go ahead and open up this template. I’m going to slide it into the one that we showed you, the rich text document that the designers were definitely visual and they like to be able to see the layout and the wrapping of their text right away. So this is the same exact form I’ve set up in with
the physical headers and footers and so forth and this was once the forum LP17 you know 1PIB, right?

So they would like to see it, although I can pull this in with rich text, they’d like to see that how it lays out you know and you can actually just go ahead and collapse. I’m showing them all, but they can go ahead and collapse and hide the other ones to see how that one would look by itself, right? And then it’s just more of a comfort thing. And the other reason would be some time forms are very regulatory and they have to match things exactly, so of course if I’m pulling in text and variable text, then I can’t guarantee that the word “with” wraps right here. And some companies want to match lights with what we call light table matching so those are the cases where they can still build unique and single template but they’re leaving the text not in an external text file but rather embedded as part of the form. So that’s probably the main reasons I see people not moving towards external methods for that content.

SH: Okay, well, I don’t see any more questions here so why don’t we go ahead and wrap up? Leslie, Steve do either of you have any closing thoughts?

SL: Okay, I’d like to thank everyone that has attended today. I’d like to open up an opportunity for anyone who has questions to send those questions to us. Anyone who you know would like to dig deeper into this and the capabilities. You know we’re definitely here to try to help you and answer your questions. We do have clients in virtually every major industry that you can think of, and not just print service providers. We have Fortune 10 customers, all the way down to a hospital with 24 beds, so it’s something that we’d love to talk to you about, if you do have technical questions or just simply questions, can you do this? So that’s all I have to say. Thank you, Everyone!

SH: Well, I enjoyed the webinar. That concludes today’s webinar. I want to thank Leslie and Steve for sharing today and Eclipse Corporation for sponsoring the event. Once again, thank you everybody. We will now disconnect.

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