
Customers expect a lot from companies with whom they do business. They enjoy interactions with companies that concentrate heavily on customer experiences, such as Amazon, Google, and Netflix. Those companies have become the standards for other organizations like telecommunication companies, healthcare services, retail, and hospitality to emulate. Today, we will explore ways company documents can enhance the customer experience (CX), not merely check the box for regulatory compliance or functional requirements.

The Reward of CX Improvements

Every organization is working to personalize customer interactions. There is little choice. Corporate customer experience initiatives guide not just marketing decisions but operations as well. The reward for these efforts is increased customer lifetime value, lower service cost, and differentiation from competitors. Documents, mainly correspondence and transactional communications, are full of personal details, making them a perfect venue for CX improvements. People like to see their names in print, but not when surrounded by paragraphs of bureaucracy. A positive customer experience ensures loyalty and helps you retain customers while boosting brand advocacy. Take your documents a step past customer communications management (CCM) and use those regular customer interactions to improve customer relationships via customer experience management (CXM) strategies.

The Customer’s First Interaction

The easier the onboarding process, the more likely prospects will become loyal customers. In service-related businesses like insurance, loans, and banking, considerable paperwork is involved while onboarding a new customer. With intelligent document processing, organizations can ensure these documents enter business workflows seamlessly, making the onboarding process fast and efficient. DocOrigin Design facilitates creating clean and clear forms and documents generated as part of the business workflow. The customer’s first interaction with the brand goes a long way in solidifying a positive customer experience.


Most company documents, such as invoices and receipts, are already personalized to include the customer’s name and other details. Basic personalization is necessary to communicate, but what makes the documents contribute to a positive customer experience is relevance. Sure, you know my name, address, and phone number, a customer may think, but what can you say that is important to me? How can you make me feel valued and appreciated by reading or interacting with this document? Are you communicating with me as an individual?

Generic statement messages or inserts produce low conversion rates because the offers are not specifically suited for each customer. Matching the messages to individual customer circumstances is what changes a generic transactional document into a personal communication.

An example is sending policy renewal notices to individuals who live in apartments. Tell them how to save on renter’s insurance by contracting with a local alarm company. Point out the benefit of calling out high-value items like jewelry or coin collections that may need specific policies besides standard renter’s insurance. Messages to homeowners would be completely different, such as highlighting coverage for outbuildings or suggesting additional coverage for flood damage.

The Eclipse DocOrigin™ platform “pulls” the relevant personalization details from CRM and other data sources, including the transaction details themselves. You may be sending a bill or a policy update, neither of which is much fun. Still, if the added information is relevant and valuable, that document has provided a positive customer experience.


Documents such as terms of service, privacy policies, and return policies help build trust with customers by being transparent about the company’s practices. When customers feel confident their rights are protected and the company is being honest with them, they are more likely to have a positive experience. Being transparent with customers significantly affects their attitude toward your brand and develops trust and loyalty. Organizations must balance transparency and the need for data protection to deliver the level of personalization customers demand, without compromising their data. Prioritizing client transparency contributes to long-term relationships. It enables brands to offer a superior encounter, build solid relationships, and improve the customer experience.


Documents such as applications, registrations, and acknowledgments are formal and possibly regulated. Information presented in language anyone can understand in a form that is quick and easy to comprehend creates a positive experience. Customers anticipate that paperwork will be a pain. If yours isn’t, that is a positive CX.

Think about the government or IRS documents you fear and avoid and build your documents using an opposite approach. Send your new document to peers outside your organization for review and ask them to provide feedback. Make suggested changes and test again. Soon you will have a form that customers are comfortable receiving and accomplishes its business or regulatory mission. DocOrigin Design is an essential tool for designing easy-to-read and easy-to-understand documents.

Improving CX via Customer-Facing Documents

DocOrigin is an intuitive application for designing and generating dynamic business documents, forms, and labels. It is designed for high-volume production of personalized business-critical papers or a single customer letter. With DocOrigin, organizations can leverage data from legacy systems and contemporary CRM applications. Your data, combined with the DocOrigin intelligent document composition application, improves communication, marketing effectiveness, and customer service with no added expense. DocOrigin is the disruptive technology that changes transactional documents from merely functional to CX assets.

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