
Customer Statements as Vital and Valuable Marketing Tools

The time has come to take a fresh look at customer statements as more vital and valuable marketing tools. Let’s face it, the days of boring, black and white customer statements are over. Advances in digital printing and innovations in data-driven personalization have changed the playing field by unlocking new tools and integrated approaches that can transform plain old statements into a vital marketing tools that reach and relate to customers in new and more profitable ways.

Personalized and Targeted Content

One way to extend the marketing value of statements is with personalized content and targeted messaging. Capabilities in this area have advanced quickly. It is now possible to target and personalize your statements in ways that were simply not available or recognized in the past. This is important because statements that are personalized with relevant content and targeted messaging become powerful marketing tools to organizations and marketers that employ the latest data-driven techniques. Studies show that the relevance of the information provided is profoundly persuasive to readers and can ultimately be secret weapon to marketing success. Personalization…


      • Improves response rate by 36 percent

      • Boosts average order value by 24.5 percent

      • Jumps repetitive orders by 47.6 percent

      • Cuts response time by 33.9 percent

      • Increases revenue and profit by 31.6 percent

    Sources: CAP Ventures, Adobe, DMA

    Competitive Customer Experience

    In today’s multi-channel, media-intense world, it doesn’t make much sense to send out thousands – or even millions – of statements every month that don’t look much different from those produced 30 years ago. Old-school statements do very little to reinforce the customer experience or build brand loyalty. Indeed, ugly and outdated statements continually erode brand perception.


        • Seventy percent of buying experience is based on how the customer feels after they are a customer.

        • A five percent reduction in the customer defection rate can increase profits by five to 95 percent.

        • Price is not the main reason customers leave, it is actually due to poor customer experience.

        • Customers are four times more likely to defect to a competitor because of poor service than because of price.

      Sources: McKinsey, Bain & Company, Accenture

      A Fresh Look

      If you look at customer statements as only a cost to be maintained or some sort of back office problem, it’s time to take a fresh look. In all the digital clutter of today’s info-intense world, customer statements stand out as vital and valuable marketing tools.

      Want to find out more about how DocOrigin can help your company unlock the promotional power of statement design and delivery? Just call 678.408.1245 or click here to schedule a free consultation.