
Multi-Channel Communications

Moving to the Next Generation of Document Generation

No matter what market or industry, enterprise operations depend on efficient and effective document generation. In fact, pick any important business process and you can bet that the workflow depends on documents. But as technology evolves and business needs change, so must the systems that generate and manage enterprise documents. Antiquated solutions are no longer

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Making the Most of Each “Customer Appointment”

Marketing today is all about engaging customers and building brand loyalty. You’ve got to keep customers coming back for more. But it’s not easy to reach your customers when they are bombarded with thousands of marketing messages each day through TV, radio, social media, and so forth. Most of us tune out the hype and

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Removing the Roadblocks to Personalization

Stacks of statistics point to the dramatic benefits that companies from all industries can achieve by creating personalized, relevant and targeted customer communications. But reaching that goal is difficult when you depend on complex technology, cumbersome systems, and specialized expertise. At Eclipse, we believe in a more agile, more responsive, and less costly approach through

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Power-Up the Promotional Power of Customer Statements

For years, customer statements have been overlooked as a back-office burden. However,  today’s organizations are recognizing that routine customer correspondence offers a unique opportunity to connect with customers in new and more profitable ways and are indeed vital and viable tools for marketing. Powering-up the promotional power of statements requires a new mindset, however; one that

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Our Predictions for 2015

It’s been a busy year for professionals in the document processing and customer communications industry.  With the rise of multi-channel customer communications and rapid transition from legacy document generation systems, the industry is in an exciting state of evolution and possibility. No doubt, technologies and approaches will evolve even further in 2015, bringing a new

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